Sunday, January 10, 2010


Before I ever went to college, I was looking at brochueres and websites and always believed that every iamge of any yound adut was stock. a stock photo.
Then my eyes were opened! I found that I could become one of those happy smiling college students in the library or on the quad with a guitar and daisy chain crown if I really wanted to.

So I did.
Here is just a fun little shot.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Job hunting? And Boston.

I am still trying to figure out the best way to design wedding invitations for brides and grooms to be: outsie of hunting down every engaged couple on my campus and attacking them with my portfolio.

Please oh please, Engaged! Come to me! Hunt me down!

Until then, I will still create and photograph and live out the new year. Not a resolution, more like I can't do anything but.

Newbury St and Mass Ave 

I leave for Boston in less than 24 hours. Back to the cold and my routine. 
I really have missed it these past three weeks.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Santa Barbara in 120mm

Blue Skies, Santa Barbara, CA

Stern's Wharf, Santa Barbara, CA

Stern's Wharf, Santa Barbara, CA

My little sister, Molly

My house

My parents board horses, this is Drummer


101 South

Santa Barbara, California. It is quite the lovely area. Sunny (Spring starts around New Year's), laid back, sandy.
Every so often I feel called to come back here. But it is such a tension between my home, my roots and the Northshore, which is where I fell in love with four years ago.
So for now, until I have to decide where to settle, I take photos.

My personal keepsakes.
Quite the lovely thing, in my opinion.

At least I don't collect magnets...