Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Concept Bakery Logo: Sweet Inspirations

The idea of owning a small bakery is one that I like to dream about. Of course with a couple friends, we can sit around a table, talk and giggle about cupcakes, frosting and cakes, and fruit pies, we imagine color palettes, furniture, branding! And the list goes on.

I grew up around the ktichen, with my mother baking or cooking the most delicious ckaes and cupcakes. Decorating and plates all used ot enhance the chocolate decadent pie. I get my hospitatlity skilsl from her.

So I sat down and I started to talk to my mother about her dream bakery, what she wanted to do with, how she wanted to run it, what its goals were and I created her several logos. She dreams of owning this small shop and now she has the brand to start with.

Below are the options that I gave to her, in hopes that is would encourage her to know that her daughter desired to support her dreams. The bakery has yet to grow up from the ground, but she is still baking and talking about her passions. Read her blog Politics and Pies here!

THe thought behind this logo is the sweet and delicate nature of cupcakes and specialty cakes.
The colors are soft and playful coupled with an imperfect text.
This bakery is one that is friendly and open, creating personal and special cakes and pies for occasion such as weddings or special events. 

The color and text change in this logo is because this bakery concept is one that works on a more professional level. Not necessarily the walk in and have a cupcake type joint, but more so the large orders for professional events.
However, the cupcake shape is still the same image.

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