Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I am sitting in a recording studio. Listening to a friend solidify a little guitar introduction to a podcast he is working on. The music instills a sense of homecoming. A coming home. Watching his fingers dance on the fret board and the strings pinging together to create a harmoniously structured twenty second lick reminds me of coming home, a remembering of event, places, people, noises, smells, all things that help you orient yourself to being ‘back.’
Yet still being filled with a quiet contentment of moving forward. Of learning and growing.

The notes are perfect together. I wish I knew the English language better than I do, then I could describe the feeling that I have now. Peace. Contentment. Not good enough.

I am visual. I use images, I see images when I hear something, when I smell something. Memories are photographs, memories are snapshots.

Snapshot: small eight by eight recording room.

Snapshot: music playing through muffled headphones in front of me.

Snapshot: sitting on the floor looking at my close friend and feeling like this is it. This is what I am doing. I am carefree. I am not worrying about a job, or about the next morning. I am content. I am comfortable sitting here listening.

A coming home. A fourth year at a college where I feel connected, where I have found family. Where I have loved, where I have been hurt, where I have taken my shoes off and wiggled my toes in the soft grass. The musty smell of stacks of books, sitting and waiting.  Home. A coming back to.

Music incites conversation. Paintings conjure words and descriptions, they move, they shake, they quiet and hush, they contemplate. Music and paintings are one in the same. The process to create is the same. The process is a process. It isn’t a vending machine: let me put in the dime and get a song back!

Redeem&Record is trying to start that conversation. The one that we have in our head. That goes back and forth with itself. It is providing a space for words to be exchanged, to understand and to connect.

It's worth joining the conversation.

Monday, September 28, 2009


Photography is an art form that I am absolutely in love with.
I love the perspectives that so many different people can take on the same subject.

Take a stop sign for example. I have seen different type of photos, from short and long depth-of-fields to nostalgic to modern images.

Noticing the small, the items with intrinsic value.

I want to be able to "see" more clearly. I desire to capture those moments that only live on our head as memories-powerfulo memories, but there is no concreteness to them.
A photograph, if clicked at the perfect time, can solidify that moment of extreme joy or excitement, forever.

I love the details. Of everything. Of life.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Continuing into a Vocation

I met a photographer team tonight.
Guest lecturers for my senior seminar class called Art And Vocation.

Teach me, teach me about a vocation including my passions!

The husband-wife team were amazing to hear from: insights and tools for the artist in the marketplace.
And since I am an artist, trying to enter the marketplace of desing-hey! What do you know? They offered me some good tips.

Check them out. They take Beauitful wedding and portrait photos!
Sherrell Photography

The passion that came from Tabitha and Larry was encouraging. I love to see artists who care more about he energy and the love of what they do before the business end, before the money handling and the arrogance.

I desire to get to know the unique individuals that I design something for. That I create for.

I desire to create.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Pictures for Lucien.

My past summer as of late.

My lovely roommate testing the Beverly waters.

Day One

I have started.
This is the start at least.

I am creating a blog so that I can show people what I do.

How I create. What inspires me, what interests me.
From print design and layout of wedding and engagement invitations, to programs and menus, to photography, to painting, to graphic design.

Oh, what a plethora.

And so it will continue.